European Association for the Study of Religions (
EASR) organizza:
A Brema, dal 23 al 27 settembre 2007, il convegno
Plurality and Representations, organizzato in collaborazione con la
Deutsches Vereinigung Religionswissenschaft (
Con piacere, pubblichiamo il comunicato pervenutoci dal prof.
Giovanni Casadio (EASR Publications Officer).
Se vuoi, puoi visitare le
pagine internet dedicate all’evento, o scaricare il manifesto in formato
A4 e
A3 (Avvertenza: i manifesti sono molto belli ma anche abbastanza pesanti, insomma, per scaricarli ci vuol un po' più di pazienza...).
Segue il testo (in lingua inglese), ricevuto dalla Facoltà di Studi Culturali dell’Università di Brema.
Dear Colleagues,
the posters for the EASR conference in Bremen are now in print (and you can also download them from the conference website We would like to send them to Religious Studies departments in Europe next week.
Apparently (I'd be very happy to learn that I am wrong) so far a file with postal addresses of Religious Studies departments in Europe does not exist.
Could you perhaps help us by sending us the addresses of Religious Studies (or other relevant) departments in your respective countries, if these are available to you? Your help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much and best wishes,
Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>Wanda Alberts
Dr. des. Wanda Alberts
Lecturer in the Study of Religions
Department for the Study of Religions and Religious Education
Faculty of Cultural Studies
University of Bremen
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Religionspädagogik
Fachbereich Kulturwissenschaften
Universität Bremen
Badgasteiner Straße
Sportturm, Raum C 4010
28359 Bremen
Phone +49-(0)421-218-3529
Fax +49-(0)421-218-7491